Sugar Live 2021 EN
Omnichannel, AI-based support for Outstanding Customer Service
Modernize and streamline customer interactions cost-effectively across all communication channels by leveraging the power of Amazon Connect and Sugar.
SugarLive seamlessly embeds Amazon’s market-leading omnichannel communications capabilities into the Sugar platform. So you can always communicate with your customers via their preferred channels – voice, e-mail, web, chat or portal, be it for sales or support.
Everything straight from Sugar, with a unified interaction story. With advanced features like intelligent call routing and AI-powered emotional analysis, SugarLive ensures that interactions are customer-friendly, while you customize the front office to suit your own needs.
SugarLive offers the following Functions:
Communication from the customer’s perspective
Modernization and rationalization of customer relationships across all communication channels:Amazon Connect and Sugar offer a cost-efficient and powerful omnichannel environment for this.
Increase customer loyalty through better customer insights, anticipate customer wishes, reach customers proactively with timely messages and react quickly to inquiries.
The correct answer immediately
Make sure customers don’t have to repeat themselves each time they call about the same issue. Work smarter and save time and money by routing tickets based on the availability and skills of your employees.
With the improved, smart service console, with workflows and routing within Amazon Connect, you can simplify your service processes.
Increase efficiency
Make communication between agents and customers easier and faster. Provide the front line team with a central location where messaging, chat, social, email, and conversations with customers are organized.
Route tickets and calls from these channels directly to a central location: the service console.
Immediate Integration
SugarLive already connects Amazon Connect with Sugar. Companies can implement omnichannel services in days, not weeks or months.
Strong AI Support
Easily build powerful call and chat flows with SugarLive that integrate Amazon Connect’s intelligent answering and routing tools with the SugarBPM workflow tool.
Easily create Interactive Voice Response (IVR), add intelligent chat tools, and record and analyze all incoming communications to optimize the customer experience.